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Petrificus Totalus Harry Potter Wiki

Mastering Petrificus Totalus: A Guide to the Full Body-Bind Curse in Harry Potter

Unveiling the Secrets of Petrificus Totalus

Within the captivating world of Harry Potter, the Petrificus Totalus spell has earned a formidable reputation as one of the most iconic incantations. This curse, also known as the Full Body-Bind Curse or Body Freezing Spell, possesses the power to paralyze its victim, rendering them utterly immobile.

Casting the Petrificus Totalus Spell

To effectively cast Petrificus Totalus, witches and wizards must articulate the incantation "Petrificus Totalus" with precision. As they utter the words, they must simultaneously execute a swift wand movement, beginning with a sharp flick to the right, followed by a downward arc and a final flick towards the intended target.

Effects and Applications

Upon successfully casting Petrificus Totalus, the victim's body will instantly seize up, rendering them completely paralyzed. This curse is often employed in combat situations to immobilize opponents, making it a valuable asset in duels or confrontations.

However, it's crucial to use this spell responsibly, as prolonged use can lead to harmful effects on the victim. Keeping the curse active for an extended period can permanently damage their muscles and joints.

Notable Uses in the Harry Potter Universe

Numerous instances of Petrificus Totalus being utilized throughout the Harry Potter series stand out. One memorable example occurs in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" when Hermione Granger masterfully employs the spell on Neville Longbottom to restrain him during a duel.

Another noteworthy usage appears in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" when Harry Potter and his companions face off against Lord Voldemort's forces at the Battle of Hogwarts. In this epic encounter, Petrificus Totalus plays a significant role in incapacitating enemy combatants and aiding in the eventual defeat of Voldemort.

Counteracting Petrificus Totalus

Breaking the effects of Petrificus Totalus requires administering a counter-curse known as "Finite Incantatem". This spell, when cast correctly, will dispel the paralysis and restore the victim's mobility.


The Petrificus Totalus spell holds a pivotal place within the Harry Potter universe, serving as a powerful tool for subduing opponents and controlling situations. While its potent effects demand responsible use, it remains an indispensable weapon in the arsenal of witches and wizards.
